“Everyone is doing it.”
“it’s not a big deal.”
“No one else will see it.”
Countless young men and women are hearing statements similar to those above from other men and women regarding taking and sending nude photos or videos. And while the act of taking nude or erotic photos, or filming intimate sex scenes is not new in our society, revenge porn has grown like wildfire over the past few years.
Revenge porn is non-consensual pornography where explicit sexual images or video of someone is disseminated without their consent or knowledge. And while we have heard of many cases of celebrity revenge porn over the years – such as Emma Watson, Blac Chyna, Mischa Barton, and Amanda Seyfried – countless non-celebrity men and women are experiencing it every day.
And the results are devastating…
Anti-pornography website FightTheNewDrug.com has even created an emotional and heartbreaking video of the aftermath of revenge porn, where a 16 year old female was coerced into making a sex tape. This sex tape was then uploaded without her knowledge to a pornography site after the relationship with the individual who filmed the video ended. In this case, charges were pressed on that individual, as the young woman was under 18 years old at the time. He is now on the Registered Sex Offender list.
Other victims of revenge porn have shared painful stories about having their private photos and videos uploaded to major social media sites such as Facebook and their friends and family members being tagged in the photos/videos. And many cases have been reported to the authorities. In one Michigan case, a woman was awarded $500,000 after an ex-boyfriend posted nude photos of her on multiple websites. But for victims, even winning a legal case doesn’t stop torment, shame, embarrassment, and self-hatred from continuing on for years.
In this recent FightTheNewDrug.com article, victims share the loneliness that comes sweeping in once the trust in broke
n. Many begin to believe the lie that they are alone in this situation, and some are vocal about considering or having considered self-harm or suicide.
Even with the clear and devastating consequences and criminal charges that can accompany revenge-porn, the trend doesn’t seem to be stopping anytime soon. In fact, recent estimates state there are over 2,000 revenge porn sites on the Internet that receive heavy daily traffic as the desire for “real life” images rises in demand, and despite the fact that anyone who posts revenge porn can be prosecuted.
If you have been a victim of revenge porn, sexual assault or sexual abuse, please know you are not alone. And help is available through TreesofHope.org and many other resources.
We offer numerous programs for men and women of various ages who have been a victim of sexual assault, abuse and other sexual traumatizing events. You can learn more about our VINE, ROOTS, and THORN programs, all of which can help you heal and move past the shame, anger, hurt, and devastation that can affect every area of your life.
For parents, our workshops can educate you on crucial topics such as pornography, sexual abuse, sex trafficking and more, giving you critical tips and information on how to keep your children safe and make them aware of these topics.
Learn more about any of our classes and workshops at www.TreesofHope.org